Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cutie Pie

We had some beautiful weather this weekend around here. Jacob loves to pose for the camera and anytime I have one in my hand (which seems to be a lot) he starts smiling and saying "smile". Here he was cheezin before church and then being all cute for the camera at BW3's. It was a busy weekend. We did church Saturday then on Sunday we headed to Jeff's parents lake cottage (weekend retreat) for a big shindig. I do believe 25 racks of ribs were on the order. 4 neighbors (houses) participated in the cookout and each invited their own clans to join them. BBQ were had by all... of course except me. Since my pancrease is still "sick" I have to eat very low fat. Unfortunately... ribs aren't on my menu. My mother in law bought special food for me and I had grilled chicken, mashed potatoes (without butter), and green beans. It was yummy. The one bite of ribs I stole from Jeff were wonderful though! Deffinately could have indulged in more. But alas, I refrained. Then Monday... the big holiday we did some work outside, hung out as a family, did some diaper shopping ($$), and ended the day with dinner at the Old country Buffet for Mike B's birthday. There were 20 people for dinner. It was nice and I think Mike enjoyed himself.

Back to the diaper issue. we are working on potty training around our house again. I am feeling more up to it these days and I'm tired of paying boo-ku bucks for diapers. That's my rant for today. Stay tuned for more pictures from this weekends big cookout!

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